Basta aggiungere 1 patata alla farina e tutti i tuoi vicini ti chiederanno queste 2 ricette


  1. Cut the potato into cubes and place in a container with water, let it cook in the microwave or on the stove directly, until it is tender. Then, mash the potato.
  2. In a large container, mix the mashed potato with the milk well.
  3. Add the sugar and active dry yeast to the container and mix. Let rest for 5 minutes.
  4. Add the egg and melted unsalted butter to the container. Mix well.
  5. Sift the all-purpose flour or bread flour over the mixture and mix until well incorporated. Then knead the dough.
  6. Finally, cover the container and let the dough rest for 20 minutes.
  7. After resting, spread a little oil on the baking pan and place the dough in the pan. Cover and let it grow until it doubles in size.
  8. Next step, deflate any air bubbles in the dough and sprinkle a little flour on a work surface.
  9. Spread the dough with a rolling pin or rolling pin until you obtain a rectangle of approximately (20 x 35 cm). Then, spread the mozzarella cheese over the dough.
  10. Roll the dough from the short side to form a roll. Pinch the edges to seal.
  11. Place the dough roll in the baking pan and cover. Let it ferment for approximately 45 minutes.
  12. Preheat the oven to 190° C. Bake the bread for 25-30 minutes until golden. Cover the top with aluminum foil if it browns too quickly.
  13. After baking, remove the bread from the oven and let it cool on a rack.

Enjoy this delicious potato bread stuffed with mozzarella cheese!

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